The Be.Sleep Solution
You want your sleep back …
You struggle to fall asleep, you wake in the night and again in the early hours and you can’t get back to sleep.
I get it and I’ve been there...
Life can feel like a relentless grind when sleep eludes you. It makes it hard to do any of the things you know you need to be doing: like eating well and moving your body.
You can feel overwhwelmed and nothing seems to help.​​
Get the '7 Days to Better Sleep' Programme

This is for You if you find yourself:
Endlessly googling for Sleep hacks and answers..
Going to bed earlier and earlier in the hopes of making up for lost sleep…
Reaching the evening, exhausted, and anxiously wondering “Will I get some sleep tonight?”
Falling asleep as you watch TV because you're so exhausted….
Worrying about how on earth you’re going to cope tomorrow if you don’t sleep and wondering when it will ever end…
Not to mention the mind gremlins that seem to creep in your head to switch your mind into full blown overthinking and worry mode in the middle of the night…
If you struggle to sleep... You're not alone.
We all know that getting too little, or poor quality sleep, can leave us feeling fatigued, irritable, and unhappy. Over 60% of women in perimenopause and menopause suffer from insomnia (compared to 1 in 4 in the general population)
Sleep also carries out some vital functions that are important for our everyday health and wellbeing. It allows us to lay down memories, regulate our emotions, regulate important hormones including cortisol and leptin, ‘deep clean’ our brains and process the stresses and strains of our everyday lives. If we don’t get enough sleep it can impact our cognitive ability, lead to food cravings, and slow down our metabolism.
Longer term, sleep is also important in helping to prevent some of the major illnesses, particularly those that involve cognitive decline, such as dementia.
So its important to prioritise sleep - and if you’re not getting enough sleep and feeling rested, then getting help is key.

Help is Here
if any of the above resonated with you then you might be searching for the right supprt.
Let me introduce you to 'The Be. Sleep Solution; tailored specifically for women in midlife, especially during the menopausal journey.
It involves more than implementing lifestyle and behaviour changes and sleep “hygiene”. Those are vital but there’s much more fundamental shifts that need to occur. The most powerful way to shift the dial is to create a plan that’s right for YOU and your unique situation.
This program provides evidence-based support from Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-i) the gold standard in insomnia treatment recommended by NICE, the NHS, and the British Menopause Society. It’s infused it with the freshest insights from the British Menopause Society to tackle those menopause-related sleep challenges head-on.
Add in Be. Mindfulness based practices and knowledge and you have a powerful formula that gets results.

"My sleep has improved beyond my expectations. Thank you so much for giving me my sleep back 💤!”
Where can you start?
You can begin with 7 Days to Better Sleep. This will lay the groundwork for a new experience of sleep.
Imagine if you could feel less anxious about the impact of poor sleep and understood what you need to do to improve things.
Sign up for FREE access to this app based video series that will walk you through the fundamentals. It comes with guided audio practices to help you prepare for sleep AND fall asleep with ease.
Next Stop on the Sleep Train
Ready for the full Be. Sleep Solution?
This will guide you step by step through the proven CBT-i process and also help you aply it to your own unique situation.
If you want support now, you can make an appointment for a Discovery call with me to see if working together 1: 1 is right for you. The Discovery call is your space to find out more without pressure. I look forward to speaking with you. ​
You can also book a chat if you’d like to book me to talk to your organisation or group.
Interested in a live group programme?
Next Stop on the Sleep Train
You can sign up for the waiting list for the next LIVE group programme here.
This will guide you step by step through the proven CBT-i process and also help you apply it to your own unique situation.
If you want support now, you can make an appointment for a Discovery call with me to see if working together 1: 1 is right for you. The Discovery call is your space to find out more without pressure. I look forward to speaking with you.
RegisterYour Interest NOW

What’s included in the Be. Sleep Solution?
Recordings of the sessions and supporting materials
Extensive digital library of sleep-support recordings
Relaxation and stress-relief practices
90 minute 1:1 session with Laura Coleman to create your unique sleep solution action plan
1:1 options if you would like additional support
Worksheets to download and use during and after the programme
Whatsapp support for “On the Go” questions and troubleshooting
Find out.
The 3 things that you actually need to get your sleep on track
How to manage your mind to get your brain and body ready for sleep
How to create a positive cycle for sleep, even when life throws curve balls
This programme is for you if:
You struggle to sleep and it's having an impact on your daytime functioning
You're limiting your daily life because of sleep anxiety and tiredness
You want a manageable and practical approach to sleep that's proven to work
You'd like compassionate and understanding support as you make changes
You feel confused about what you're supposed to do to fix your sleep
You know that having an expert in your corner will make the difference
What do people say about
the Be. Sleep Solution ...
“Laura is simply Amazing – she’s so warm and friendly and puts you at ease straight away. Her passion for wanting to help is so evident. The session follow-ups and programme file with recordings is brilliant and so helpful to have at hand when needed.
My sleep has improved beyond my expectations. Thank you so much for giving me my sleep back 💤!”
Claire*, Be. Client
Claires story

What was the problem?
Claire * (name changed for privacy) was struggling with hot flushes and sleep issues following her successful endometrial cancer treatment. Before her diagnosis she had been taking HRT and her perimenopause symptoms had been well controlled. Since then, her hot flushes and night sweats had returned. This led to difficulty sleeping and she was finding it increasingly difficult to cope.
She booked to see Dr Katie Armstrong at Clinic51 (www.clinic51.co.uk) to discuss going back onto HRT. Endometrial cancer is hormone sensitive so Katie advised that, particularly in the initial years post-treatment, exploring non-hormonal treatments first line was sensible.
Alongside contacting Claire’s oncology team to discuss her specific situation, Katie recommended a consultation with Laura Coleman to see if Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Hypnosis and Mindfulness techniques could help her. CBT is a recommended treatment by NICE and the NHS for the symptoms of Perimenopause.